CAMILLO DE LUCA: Art Illuminated 6 June - 18 July

Welcome to the latest collection of paintings and drawings by acclaimed artist, former gallerist, and Archibald Finalist, Camillo De Luca. This exhibition, in collaboration with internationally award-winning lighting designers Glowing Structures, offers a vibrant exploration of three distinct artistic themes from De Luca’s recent shows: Beatitude, Digital Vs Analogue, and Woman.


Weekdays 9.30am – 5.30pm⁠
Weekends 10am – 3pm

Artist Statement

A collection of paintings and drawings by Artist, former gallerist and Archibald Finalist.

“It’s a delight to be invited to exhibit paintings in the heart of Chapel Street, South Yarra. I’ve selected works from three recent shows that I’m hoping the upbeat fashion-conscious beau monde will enjoy.

The three shows included: Beatitude (works of botanical theme), Digital Vs Analogue (abstract works of line and colour), and Woman (figurative paintings and drawings).

The works themselves are in sync with contemporary culture and architecture. My approach has always been stripping away layers of tedious scenery and presenting unvarnished uncomplicated images – sophistication in simplicity. Having owned a gallery in Richmond in the past, I’m right at home with big white spatial walls and square set ceilings of modern homes in this precinct. This exhibition is a chance to come back to familiar territory. Big, blank, well-lit, rooms are front and center of my mind when I put brushes to canvas. I simply try to paint something interesting and beautiful to adorn them with. It’s probably a conceited vanity I cherish, to have everyone stare at a big painting of mine amongst their swoosh décor.. At the same time, I hate putting my signature on my work and to be honest, the joy is purely in giving others pleasure. I wish everyone gets some pleasure seeing the works. They are charged with positivity.

My expressed thanks to Adam and Malin for their encouragement and assistance in making this happen.”

– Camillo De Luca

Host | Glowing Structures

Glowing Structures is a passionate team of internationally award winning designers, creating bespoke and architectural lighting designs and installations for the built environment.

Of the many facets of design we are involved in, the creative lighting of art, form and sculpture is an area we are extremely passionate about. Early 2022 Glowing Structures launched what we believe is a world first creative art gallery celebrating light.

The Gallery is a place in which local artists and designers can collaborate to use the tools of light to enhance and embellish both art and everyday pieces alike.

Explore ways in which the characteristics of form, texture and colour are enhanced, maximising the potential of each piece through the use of a bespoke lighting solution.

We showcase various artists, lighting techniques and creative concepts and welcome all creatives and visitors to experience the gallery and explore how lighting can be used to alter one’s perception of a space or piece. A place where trial and error are part of the journey, having fun and celebrating light and new discoveries!

